w.e.l.c.o.m.e :)

it is all about my life <3

Saturday, 7 April 2012

movie day

went to watch a movie with friends today.
we watch 孩子不坏.
is a singapore movie. 
quite nice.
the story line quite good too:)
learn something from this movie. 
those phrases that speak from them really meaningful.
the two main character from the movie. 
 *oh gosh* they seriously cute and handome:)
fall for them<3
last time they were just kid in a movie name 小孩不笨。
then they become teenage at 小孩不笨2.
and now they are so cute and handsome in 孩子不坏.
april on screen movie!:)
so far i just watch one of them. 
feel like wanna watch titanic and another chinese movie;)
waiting for it^^
feel much more better today:)
thank you guys for always being with me.
you guys are just that supportive.
i never regret of meeting you all :) 

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